
Peter Gabriel - Hit

ピーター・ガブリエルの最盛期のトラックをCD2枚に厳選したこのコンピレーション盤は、これまで唯一のベスト盤だった前作、1990年の『Shaking the Tree』を曲数の面ではるかに上回っている。なんと言っても本作の魅力はその細部にある。
ディスク2(「Miss」という控え目なタイトルが付けられている)では、アーティストとして世界的な視点を持つガブリエルの全貌をとらえている。そして最近のサントラ盤(『Rabbit Proof Fence』の忘れがたい「Cloudless」)をはじめ、2002年の優れたアルバム『Up』の収録曲(故ヌスラット・ファテ・アリ・ハーンの感動的なヴォーカルと不気味なストリングスのアレンジをフィーチャーした「Signal To Noise」はまさに、考える人のための音楽であるマッシヴ・アタックのようだ)や、あの4作目などをたどっている。4作目で聴けるシンセサイザーを用いた冷たく控え目なニューウェーヴと、執拗なアフリカのパーカッションを結びつけたサウンドは、(当時)優れたアイディアに思われた。
ディスク1に収録されているのは、MTVで大ヒットした「Sledghammer」、反アパルトヘイト闘争の叫び「Biko」、「Big Time」(ガブリエルと、彼が以前所属したジェネシスのスタイルがこの時点で同じ方向に向かっていたのは興味深い)、「Games Without Frontiers」といったトラックだ。聴けばおわかりのとおり、今になってみればガブリエルのレコードをシングルだけそろえていたリスナーは、彼のほんの一端しか味わっていなかったように思える。どこをとってもすばらしいこのコレクションの価値をさらに高めているのが、3つの未発表トラックだ。「Downside Up」のライヴテイク、「Blood of Eden」の短めのヴァージョン、それに『Up』に収録予定だったが最終的に外され、のちにTVゲームに収録された「Burn You Up, Burn You Down」の3曲だ。
1. Solsbury Hill
2. Shock The Monkey
3. Sledgehammer
4. Don't Give Up
5. Games Without Frontiers
6. Big Time
7. Burn You Up, Burn You Down
8. Growing Up (Tom Lord-Alge Remix)
9. Digging In The Dirt
10. Blood Of Eden (Radio Edit)
11. More Than This (Radio Edit)
12. Biko
13. Steam
14. Red Rain
15. Here Comes The Flood
1. San Jacinto
2. No Self-Control
3. Cloudless
4. The Rhythm Of The Heat
5. I Have The Touch (Remix)
6. I Grieve
7. D.I.Y.
8. A Different Drum
9. The Drop
10. The Tower That Ate People (Radio Edit Mix)
11. Lovetown
12. Father, Son
13. Signal To Noise
14. Downside Up (Live)
15. Washing Of The Water

単純なベスト盤としてみるとShaking the Tree: Sixteen Golden Greatsのほうが上出来なのだろうが、この二枚組はSo以降の曲やサントラなどの曲も収録されていたりと資料的にはこちらのほうが面白い。


Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns


1. The Requiem
2. The Radiance
3. Burning In The Skies
4. Empty Spaces
5. When They Come For Me
6. Robot Boy
7. Jornada Del Muerto
8. Waiting For The End
9. Blackout
10. Wretches And Kings
11. Wisdom, Justice, And Love
12. Iridescent
13. Fallout
14. The Catalyst(1stシングル)
15. The Messenger


Kraftwerk - Radio Aktivität


1. Geiger Counter
2. Radio-Activity
3. Radioland
4. Airwaves
5. Intermission
6. News
7. Voice Of Energy
8. Antenna
9. Radio Stars
10. Uranium
11. Transistor
12. Ohm Sweet Ohm

Kraftwerk - Die Mensch-Maschine

1978年にリリースされた本作は、今もなおエレクトロ・ミュージックで最も美しいアルバムの1枚に挙げられる。本作は、リーダーのラルフ・ヒュッターとフローリアン・シュナイダーの底知れない革新的なテクニックだけでも十分に鮮烈だが、並外れた作曲能力もまた全面に発揮されている。強烈かつ流麗なシンセサイザーが人間のボイスに負けないくらい表情豊かな「Neon Lights」「Metropolis」。くすんだメロディーときらめく音の流れがたがいにサポートする「Spacelab」。また、「Spacelab」とムードあるタイトル曲では、極端なまでに電気処理されたボーカルが鋭いコントラストを生みだしている。「The Robots」は、スタッカートを刻むエキゾチックなメロディーと卓越したサウンドエフェクトが絶え間なく響く、大胆な声明と言える。そして「The Model」は、クラフトワークの目を見張る活動からコマーシャルなシンセサイザー・ポップスが生まれるであろうことを予感させている
1. Robots
2. Spacelab
3. Metropolis
4. Model
5. Neon Lights
6. Man Machine

Kraftwerk - Computer World

Only available in the U.S. as part of their remastered box set and not sold separately! Digitally remastered edition of the German Electronic band's 1981 album. Kraftwerk beam themselves into the future by writing about home computers, online dating and globalised electronic surveillance years before these phenomena truly come into being. A journey into the bright hopes and dark fears of the booming microchip revolution, Computer World is a serenely beautiful and almost seamless collage of sensual melodies and liquid beatscapes. Tracks like 'Numbers' and 'Pocket Calculator', with their weightless bleeps and elastic beats, predict the silky rhythms of Chicago House and inspire a generation of Detroit Techno artists. Kraftwerk's fanfare for the silicon age still sounds ageless, timeless and throbbing with invention. Mute. 2009.


Carpenters - Singles 1969-1981

1970年の1stアルバム『Ticket to Ride』収録のデビュー曲<12>から、1981年の『Made in America』収録の<16>まで、まったく変わらぬハイ・クオリティのポップスを量産し続けた彼らの創造力に、改めて圧倒される1枚だ。全曲名曲と断言してしまっても何ら問題はないと思うが、中でも<4><6><10><14><20>などは一発で人の心を虜にする魔力を持った究極のポップス。理想のアメリカン・ポップスの姿がここにある。

1. For All We Know
2. I Believe In You
3. It's Going To Take Some Time
4. We've Only Just Begun
5. Those Good Old Dreams
6. Superstar
7. Rainy Days And Mondays
8. Goodbye To Love
9. All You Get From Love Is A Love Song
10. Top Of The World
11. Only Yesterday
12. Ticket To Ride
13. Hurting Each Other
14. Yesterday Once More
15. Sing
16. Touch Me When We're Dancing
17. Please Mr. Postman
18. I Need To Be In Love
19. I Won't Last A Day Without You
20. (They Long To Be) Close To You
21. For All We Know (Reprise)



Sting - Symphonicities

2010 release from the Pop renaissance man featuring the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, conducted by Steven Mercurio. On Symphonicities, Sting's greatest hits have been reinterpreted with brand new orchestrations arranged by Jorge Calandrelli, David Hartley, Michel Legrand, Rob Mathes, Vince Mendoza, Steven Mercurio, Bill Ross, Robert Sadin, and Nicola Tescari. Symphonicities was produced by Rob Mathes and Sting and mixed by Elliot Scheiner (Steely Dan, Fleetwood Mac) and Claudius Mittendorfer (Interpol, Franz Ferdinand).
正直なところ「Next To You」などはあまり似合わないが「I Burn For You」や「We Work the Black Seam」などはうまくアレンジされてて相性も良かった。


Propaganda - Secret Wish-25th Anniversary

Digitally remastered deluxe two CD 25th Anniversary edition of the Synth band's 1985 debut including a plethora of bonus material. Propaganda were a D sseldorf band, and with hindsight you can see them as the halfway point between the city's most famous sons Kraftwerk and the common European language of Techno-Pop that flourished in Ralf and Florian's wake. But Propaganda were pipe-banging confrontationalists before they became a waking Pop dream. Ralf D"rper, a bank employee, music writer and member of D sseldorf Industrial-Electronic band Die Krupps, founded Propaganda with vocalist Claudia Brucken, part-time DJ Andreas Thein and jeweler/goldsmith Susanne Freytag. None was a musician in the conventional sense but they made a demo version of 'Discipline' by Throbbing Gristle which found its way to NME writer Paul Morley, then in the process of setting up ZTT with Trevor Horn and Jill Sinclair. The rest is history. 26 tracks. Salvo. 2010.



Enya - A Day Without Rain

エンヤの新作がリリースされるたびに、天上の至福をもたらすナンバーのどれもが、耳を傾ける者すべての心をわずらわすことなく感嘆をもたらし、誰もが座りこんだまま驚きに言葉を失う。けれどもやがて疑問も浮かんでくる。この何層もの音を重ねた合唱曲のようなナンバーが、しだいに予定調和的になったり新鮮さを失うことはないのだろうか? 魂を震わせるアイディアの湧き出る深い泉をエンヤが枯らしてしまうことはあるのだろうか? だが驚くべきことに、1988の出世作『Watermark』から数えて4作目となる本作で、この才能豊かなアイルランドのボーカリスト兼キーボディストは新たな芸術の高みに到達している。長年の盟友であるプロデューサーのニッキー・ライアンと詩人のローマ・ライアンと共に5年をかけて練り上げ磨き上げられた本作は、エンヤの最高傑作に値するかも知れない。
幸福に輝く珠玉のナンバーを収めた本作は、大聖堂のような響きで人の心を惹きつけ、これまでにないほど心地よく優美な歌声が魂を慰撫(いぶ)する。オープニングの3曲(魔法のような「Only Time」を含む)は壮麗な3部作を形作り、洗練されたポップ性と荘厳な神秘性という2本の川を継ぎ目なく交わらせるというエンヤの不思議な音楽の主眼がより深化していることをうかがわせる。本作の優しい音色はたった一度だけ、耳に残るナンバー「Tempus Vernum」で妨げられる。神秘的な音の力に導かれ、デビアス社のダイヤモンドのコマーシャルで流れる主旋律に心は運ばれるが、ケルト・ゴシック的な鋭さは失われてはいない。本作はほかにも聴きどころにはことかかない。エンディング曲「Lazy Days」ではリスナーの魂を花弁と太陽の光のシャワーの中に踊らせることだろう。本作はまことに素晴らしい作品と言える。

1. A Day Without Rain
2. Wild Child
3. Only Time
4. Tempus Vernum
5. Deora Ar Mo Chroi
6. Flora's Secret
7. Fallen Embers
8. Silver Inches
9. Pilgrim
10. One By One
11. Lazy Days
CMソングにも使われたWild Childが有名になったこのアルバム。日本でもこの頃からメジャーになってきた感じが。
Orinoco Flowの頃のようなインパクトは薄れたものの、相変わらずのエンヤ節は悪くない。



The Police - LIVE

Consisting of one disc recorded from a Boston radio broadcast in 1979 and the other from a large concert hall in Atlanta in 1983, Live! demonstrates the evolution of the Police's sound while showing off their ability to perform onstage. Aside from the track listings (although several of the same tracks are found on both discs), there are notable differences between the two concerts. The production is the most obvious. The 1979 recording, sounding raw like a well-done bootleg, is mixed for a punk band, which the Police largely were at the time. The Atlanta recording is slick and professional, perfect for the world-famous pop stars they had become. The second major difference is the performances themselves. In the Boston concert, because they had less material to fill an entire show, the band extended the songs by improvising on themes and progressions (while at the same time frequently lead-footing the tempos). In contrast, the Atlanta show featured a denser mix. Three backup singers doubled the number of people onstage, while the songs were moody and atmospheric. Again the band expanded on its arrangements. You won't hear your favorite licks from many of these songs, but the fair exchange is getting to hear drummer Stewart Copeland's inspired improvised fills; Andy Summers's cautious, delicate guitar textures; and Sting's rasta chants. Aside from being a transcendent live album, this collection makes it very clear that the Police were so much more than just Sting and "two other guys." Quite the opposite is true. It testifies not only to the strength of the songwriting but, more important, to the band's musicianship. The Police were a perfect musical trinity, each member an indispensable and inseparable part of the whole.
1. Next To You
2. So Lonely
3. Truth Hits Everybody
4. Walking On The Moon
5. Hole In My Life
6. Fall Out
7. Bring On The Night
8. Message In A Bottle
9. The Bed's Too Big Without You
10. Peanuts
11. Roxanne
12. Can't Stand Losing You
13. Landlord
14. Born In The 50's
15. Be My Girl/Sally
1. Synchonicity
2. Synchonicity II
3. Walking In Your Footsteps
4. Message In A Bottle
5. O My God
6. De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
7. Wrapped Around Your Finger
8. Tea In The Sahara
9. Spirits In The Material World
10. King Of Pain
11. Don't Stand So Close To Me
12. Every Breath You Take
13. Roxanne
14. Can't Stand Losing You
15. So Lonely



Ministry Of Sound - Electronic 80s

GARY NUMAN、OMD、DEVO、ULTRAVOX(JOHN FOXXのソロ作品も収録!)、YAZOO、JAPAN、HEAVEN17、SCRITTI POLITTIといったこれぞニュー・ウェイブ!といったラインナップに加え、KRAFTWERK、ART OF NOISE、NEW ORDER等現在のダンス~テクノ・シーンに深く影響を及ぼした伝説のアーティスト達の作品群のほか、DAVID BOWIE、BLONDIE、STRANGLERSなど同時代を並走、クロスオーバーしていたパンク・ムーヴメント~ロック・フィールドのベテラン勢含む面々、さらには懐かしの一発屋SIGUE SIGUE SPUTNIK(もちろん収録曲はLove Missile)に至るまで、サウンド・スタイルも多岐にわたり多彩、才気とアイデアに溢れた80年代を代表する強力ラインナップの名曲達が次々と繰り出される超強力な一枚。全60曲(!)という怒涛さは流石ニュー・ウェイブご当地イギリスの老舗レーベルならでは。現在第一線で活躍するクラブ~ロック・オルタナティブ系までを含む、数々のクリエイター達がその影響を口にするアーティスト達の作品も数多く収録、ルーツ巡りの若い音楽ファンから当時を懐かしむ音楽ファンまでを幅広く取り込める注目盤です。
1. Ultravox/Vienna
2. Gary Numan/Cars
3. Soft Cell/Tainted Love/Where Did Our Love Go? (12 Mix)
4. Visage/Fade To Grey
5. Yazoo/Don't Go
6. Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark/Enola Gay
7. Joy Division/Love Will Tear Us Apart
8. Japan/Quiet Life
9. Duran Duran/Planet Earth
10. The Human League/Being Boiled
11. Heaven 17/Penthouse And Pavement
12. Simple Minds/Promised You A Miracle
13. and more...
1. The Human League/Love Action (I Believe In Love)
2. Heaven 17/Temptation
3. Spandau Ballet/To Cut A Long Story Short
4. Scritti Politti/Absolute
5. Blancmange/Living On The Ceiling
6. Thompson Twins/Love On Your Side
7. A Flock Of Seagulls/Wishing (If I Had A Photograph Of You)
8. China Crisis/Black Man Ray
9. Thomas Dolby/Hyperactive!
10. Landscape/Einstein A Go-Go
11. Simple Minds/New Gold Dream (81/82/83/84)
12. B.E.F./Groove Thang
13. and more...
1. Tears For Fears/Mad World
2. Pet Shop Boys/West End Girls
3. New Order/Blue Monday
4. Duran Duran/The Reflex
5. Bronski Beat/Smalltown Boy
6. Yazoo/Situation (12 Remix)
7. Erasure/Sometimes
8. David Bowie/Fashion (Radio Edit)
9. Blondie/Rapture
10. Philip Oakey & Giorgio Moroder/Together In Electric Dreams
11. Johnny Hates Jazz/Shattered Dreams
12. and more...


U2 - All That You Can't Leave Behind

U2が以前に「A Sort of Homecoming」(故郷への帰還、の意)というタイトルを用いていなければ、スタジオアルバムとして通算10枚目の本作こそがそのタイトルにふさわしかったかもしれない。本作のサウンドは、さまざまな点でU2の過去のアルバムに似通っている。まるでバンドが過去に極めたさまざまな音楽的領域からポストカードを送り返しているかのようだ。幸福感に満ちたオープニング曲「Beautiful Day」では、エッジのトレードマークであるディレイを多用したギターワークが再び導入され、これは『The Unforgettable Fire』以来久々のことだ。このほかにも「Stuck in a Moment」では『Rattle and Hum』で見られたゴスペル色が再び姿をあらわし、「Elevation」のダンスビートには、1997年を代表するポピュラー音楽の収穫であるプロディジーの影響がうかがえる。これらどの曲をとっても、この驚くほど働き者のバンドがアイディア不足になる懸念はなさそうである。
スタジアム・ロックバンドによる90年代で最も奇抜で野心的なアルバム(傑作三部作『Achtung Baby』、『Zooropa』、『Pop』)を経た今でも、バンドは自分たちが常に全身全霊を傾けてきたものの本質を見極めようとしている。本作が証明するように、バンドの強みである叙事詩的な楽曲は健在で、同時にボノの書く詩では対象への親密度がより増している。「Walk On」と「Peace on Earth」は、ボノがこれまでに書いて歌った中でも最高の2曲である。本作はU2が成功を収めた今でも以前と変わらぬ衝動につき動かされていることを確信させてくれるものだ。

1. Beautiful Day
2. Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of
3. Elevation
4. Walk On
5. Kite
6. In a Little While
7. Wild Honey
8. Peace on Earth
9. When I Look at the World
10. New York
11. Grace


Frank Zappa - Jazz from Hell


1. Night School
2. The Beltway Bandits
3. While You Were Art ll
4. Jazz From Hell
5. G-Spot Tornado
6. Damp Ankles
7. St. Etienne
8. Massaggio Galore




Kate Bush - Hounds Of Love

Few women have expanded the vocabulary of rock as bewitchingly as Kate Bush; among male stars, only Prince may have taken as many risks. Hounds of Love saw Bush reining in the kookier aspects of The Dreaming, channelling them into epic electro-pop that tackled big issues of life and death and God with gripping drama and intensity. "Running Up That Hill" was one of the great singles of the '80s; "Cloudbusting" was string-driven, magically pretty; "Jig of Life" showed that Bush is one of the few pop artists who can flirt with Celtic mysticism without sounding twee or trite. Forget the riot grrrls: Bush is the real thing.

1. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
2. Hounds Of Love
3. The Big Sky
4. Mother Stands For Comfort
5. Cloudbusting
6. And Dream Of Sheep
7. Under Ice
8. Waking The Witch
9. Watching You Without Me
10. Jig Of Life
11. Hello Earth
12. The Morning Fog

1985年のアルバム。聞き所はやはり1曲目のRunning Up That Hill (A Deal With God)あたり。


Thievery Corporation - Lebanese Blonde

The French exclusive EP is available again! This limited edition EP was the first single from the Washington D.C.-basedtrip hop/jazz act since their 1997 debut album 'Sounds FromThe Thievery Hi-Fi' on the 4AD label. Contains three mixes of 'Lebanese Blond

1. Lebanese Blonde (Original Version)
2. Coming From The Top
3. One
4. Lebanese Blonde (French Version)
5. Halfway Around The World
6. Elise Affair
7. Encounter In Bahia
8. Lebanese Blonde (Instrumental)



The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn Of A Friendly Card

1. May Be A Price To Pay
2. Games People Play
3. Time
4. I Don't Wanna Go Home
5. The Gold Bug
6. I. The Turn Of A Friendly Card (Part One)
7. II. Snake Eyes
8. III. The Ace Of Swords
9. IV. Nothing Left To Lose
10. V. The Turn Of A Friendly Card (Part Two)


Kate Bush - Lionheart


1. Symphony In Blue
2. In Search Of Peter Pan
3. Wow
4. Don't Push Your Foot On The Heartbrake
5. Oh England My Lionheart
6. Fullhouse
7. In The Warm Room
8. Kashka From Baghdad
9. Coffee Homeground
10. Hammer Horror

ライオンの着ぐるみが印象的なセカンドアルバム。サウンドは前作と変化無いものの、「Symphony In Blue」「Wow」「Hammer Horror」など楽曲的にはかなり聞かせるアルバムになっている。意外と名盤なんじゃないのかな?と思ってしまう一枚。


Kate Bush - The Kick Inside

Kicking things off with a whimper, not a bang, Kate Bush quietly released her 1978 debut, The Kick Inside and that disc still to this day affects an incredible number people, Tori Amos and Sarah McLachlan among them. There are so many elements that make this disc unique--Kate's soaring soprano, her warm piano playing--but the one thing that perhaps sticks out most is how different her sounds were from anything else circulating at that time. Ten years before "alternative" hit the forefront, this music was neither easy nor palatable, truly an alternative from the other styles out there. Among the more legendary tracks, search out "The Man with the Child in His Eyes" and her timeless classic "Wuthering Heights

1. Moving
2. The Saxophone Song
3. Strange Phenomena
4. Kite
5. The Man With The Child In His Eyes
6. Wuthering Heights
7. James And The Cold Gun
8. Feel It
9. Oh To Be In Love
10. L'Amour Looks Something Like You
11. Them Heavy People
12. Room For The Life
13. The Kick Inside

NTV系「恋のから騒ぎ」主題歌で有名なWuthering Heights(邦題:嵐が丘)収録のデビューアルバム。



Steve Miller Band - Bingo!

Special edition including four bonus tracks. 2010 album from the veteran rocker and guitar hero. The man some people call Maurice releases Bingo!, his first new recordings in 17 years. Bingo! is the album Steve Miller has waited his entire life to make. Reaching back to his apprenticeship as a young man on the Chicago Blues scene, Miller and co-producer Andy Johns brought classic Rhythm & Blues numbers into the 21st century that have been at the foundation of his music throughout his career. Recorded at the Skywalker Ranch in Marin County, CA.
  1. Hey Yeah
  2. Who's Been Talkin'
  3. Don't Cha Know
  4. Rock Me Baby
  5. Tramp
  6. Sweet Soul Vibe
  7. Come On (Let The Good Times Roll)
  8. All Your Love (I Miss Loving)
  9. You Got Me Dizzy
  10. Ooh Poo Pah Doo
  11. Ain't That Lovin' You Baby
  12. Further On Up The Road
  13. Look On Yonder Wall
  14. Drivin' Wheel


Moby - Wait for Me Remixes!

2010 two CD release, an album consisting of reworked versions of tracks from the critically acclaimed 2009 album Wait For Me. Moby has enlisted some of Dance music's biggest names for the project including Tiesto, Laidback Luke, Gui Boratto, and Carl Cox.

1. Isolate (Mixhell Remix)
2. Slow Light (Maps Remix)
3. Wait For Me (Paul Kalkbrenner remix)
4. Pale Horses (Gui Boratto's Last Window Remix)
5. Walk With Me (Carl Cox Remix)
6. Mistake (Yuksek Remix)
7. One Time We Lived (Laurent Wolf Remix)
8. Jltf (Chuckie Remix)
9. Wait For Me (Laidback Luke Remix)
10. Stay Down (Popof Remix)
11. Study War (Savage Skulls Remix)
12. Shot In The Back Of The Head (Tiesto Remix)
1. Wait For Me (Carl Cox Remix)
2. Shot in the Back of the Head (Tiesto Remix)
3. Wait For Me (Laidback Luke Remix)
4. Mistake (DaBruck & Klein Remix)
5. Study War (Savage Skulls Remix)
6. Jltf (Chuckie Remix)
7. Slow Light (Maps Remix)
8. One Time We Lived (Sharooz Remix)
9. Stay Down (Julien Jeweil)
10. Wait For Me (Jean Elan Remix)
11. Walk With Me (Jon Rundell Remix)
12. Stay Down (Popof Remix)
13. Pale Horses (Gui Boratto's Last Window Mix)


Kraftwerk - Techno Pop

Only available in the U.S. as part of their remastered box set and not sold separately! Digitally remastered edition of this 1986 album from the German Electronic outift. Kraftwerk return from five years of silence to reclaim their throne as leaders of a machine-pop revolution that they themselves began over a decade before. Their Techno Pop album, first released under the name Electric Caf but now restored to its originally intended title, provides a 360-degree overview of a multi-lingual, multi-channel, musically diverse global village. From the block-rocking beats of 'Boing Boom Tschack' to the electronic Funk and computer animation of 'Musique Non Stop', Kraftwerk soar into the digital age. Their first excursion into digital recording finds both beauty and unease in a polyglot world of permanent media overload. Once again, Dusseldorf's test pilots of the musical future effortlessly break new ground. Mute.

1. Boing Boom Tschak
2. Techno Pop
3. Musique Non Stop
4. The Telephone Call
5. House Phone
6. Sex Object
7. Electric Caf


George Michael - Faith


1. Faith
2. Father Figure
3. I Want Your Sex, Pts. 1-2
4. One More Try
5. Hard Day
6. Hand to Mouth
7. Look at Your Hands
8. Monkey
9. Kissing a Fool
10. Hard Day [Shep Pettibone Remix]
11. Last Request (I Want Your Sex, Pt. 3)



The Bird and the Bee - Ray Guns are not Just the Future


1. Fanfare
2. My Love
3. Diamond Dave
4. What's In The Middle
5. Ray Gun
6. Love Letter To Japan
7. Meteor
8. Baby
9. Phil
10. Polite Dance Song
11. You're A Cad
12. Witch
13. Birthday
14. Lifespan Of A Fly

Frank Zappa - You Can't Do That On The Stage Anymore, Volume 1

1. Florida Airport Tape
2. Once upon a Time
3. Sofa No. 1
4. Mammy Anthem
5. You Didn't Try to Call Me
6. Diseases of the Band
7. Tryin' to Grow a Chin
8. Let's Make the Water Turn Black/Harry, You're a Beast/The Orange ...
9. Groupie Routine
10. Ruthie-Ruthie
11. Babbette
12. I'm the Slime
13. Big Swifty
14. Don't Eat the Yellow Snow
1. Plastic People
2. Torture Never Stops
3. Fine Girl
4. Zomby Woof
5. Sweet Leilani
6. Oh No
7. Be in My Video
8. Deathless Horsie
9. Dangerous Kitchen
10. Dumb All Over
11. Heavenly Bank Account
12. Suicide Chump
13. Tell Me You Love Me
14. Sofa No. 2

個人的には(5) Sweet Leilani (6) Oh No (7) Be In My Videoあたりをよく聴きます。ザッパ入門用としても面白いアルバム。


Katie Melua - The House

2010 album from the platinum-selling British singer/songwriter. Recorded at Air Studios in London, Katie's fourth studio album was produced by William Orbit and sees Katie writing on her own and with Guy Chambers, Rick Nowels, Mike Batt and school friend Polly Scattergood. William enlisted Katie's manager and record label boss Mike Batt for the string arrangements. 12 tracks including 'I'd Love To Kill You'. Dramatico.


Kraftwerk - Autobahn

Electro Pioneers, living legends and globally revered masters of electronic sound, Kraftwerk celebrate the 35th anniversary of their landmark 1974 hit 'Autobahn' by releasing digitally remastered versions of eight astounding albums. 8 x individual CDs presented in special slipcases featuring newly expanded artwork, including many previously unseen images all of which have been reproduced to the highest technical standards.

1. Autobahn
2. Kometenmelodie 1
3. Kometenmelodie 2
4. Mitternacht
5. Morgenspaziergang

リマスターで音質も向上。 ★★★★